Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Final Reflection continued....

The other thing I was happy about was that the brief actually tried to address a social need.  So often fashion only deals with the superficial - addressing a need or function is not even considered. According to Australian Government Stats:
  • Australia has the highest skin cancer incidence rate in the world1.
  • Australians are four times more likely to develop a skin cancer than any other form of cancer2.
  • Approximately two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before the age of 703.


  • While melanoma is the least common type of skin cancer, it is the most life threatening form of skin cancer. In 2007, there were 10,342 new cases of melanoma, making it overall the fourth most common form of cancer in Australia6.
  • Total deaths from melanoma were 1,2796.
  • Melanoma is also one of the most common cancers affecting youth in Australia4.

Non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC)

Thes facts say it all- we are all going to be affected by skin cancer, be it directly or indirectly. This task has made me further reconsider my attitude to sun worship.  While i have always been fairly careful in the sun I now avoid UVA exposure (not sitting in a sunny spot behind glass like i use to), as well as, direct sunlight.

I'm glad we did this task.  

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