Overall, I really enjoyed the stretchwear unit. Having the smaller class size was fantastic and the subject was very practical- which I liked. I think the skills i have learnt are invaluable and while i'm not willing to throw out knits all together i will be incorporating strtch into my collection next year.
The brief was challenging and appropriate- we should be wearing very different clothing than what we do in the sun. Sportwear is a great choice because it can be highly technical depending upon the sport. I love that the design process has to take into account effect on performance- maybe i should think that way with casul wear too? I'm not sure if my designs would be enough to convince people to cover up entirely but at least it's a start
The only regret i have is that we didn't get to do swimwear. Swimwear is such a hude chunk of the Australian market there's a good chance a good number of us may end up working for one of the swimwear brands. It would have been great to have some commercial and creative example pieces in my portfolio.
That said, overall I think the unit was great. I'm very glad i didn't go overseas as i feel my skills have doubled in the last three months. Grace and Gillian were great teachers and both have a great skill and knowledge base to draw on.
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